My Story
One of my passions in life is animals. I volunteer for Houston Boxer Rescue. I own three wonderful furry boxers and foster when I can. At any given time I have 4 dogs running around my house. I really like visitors and I don't want them to smell "dog" when they come in, so I was an AVID candle burner!
I have two boys who are typical boys! They roll around in the dirt, I think they use it as sunscreen! Their "aim" isn't that good either, if you know what I mean, so, again, I was an AVID candle burner!
Whenever I would light a candle in my house, the boys were mesmerized by the flame! One day, my youngest decided to stick his finger in the HOT WAX! It was a "gel" candle and the gel like wax spurted out and landed on his face. He screamed, I screamed, it was chaos! The burning substance landed on his face directly under his eye! Can you imagine what would have happened if it landed a little higher? HELLO EMERGENCY ROOM EYE DOCTOR! So, that day my husband put an END to burning candles in our house.
I was in a dilemma, what to do? 4 dogs, 2 kids, the house stunk! Say, Hello "oil lamp"!
Well, we still had the flame. I would always forget to blow it out, so the lamp wick wasn't happy, AND the oil would get everywhere when I had to refill it! NOT GOOD with dogs and kids who are curious! And definitely NOT good when it spills on your wood furniture and eats away the stain! After leaving the flame burning for hours, ruining a piece of furniture AND nearly catching my house on fire, we finally put a nix to the "oil lamps" as well.
Here I am, back at my dilemma, 4 dogs, 2 kids, stinky house.
What to do?
Then my good friend, Rhiannon Ott, sent me an email, "HEY LOOK WHAT I'M SELLING!". It was love at first sight! Low watts, no flames, no messy oil, no burning hot wax that will singe off your finger tips or ruin your furniture. I think I've died and gone to Heaven!
And so my Scentsy journey begins………….
Rhiannon and I talked Scentsy for a couple days and on August 12, 2008, I woke up in the middle of the night, and said to myself, "I'm going to do this!" I signed up that day! It's been the best thing to hit my life since my kids were born! I had NEVER heard of Scentsy, NEVER tried Scentsy, NEVER seen Scentsy in real life, but I NEEDED it. I was like, "well, I could order some from Rhiannon, but Heck, it's only $99 and look at all the cool stuff you get!" So I signed up to get my starter kit.
This leads me to my "AH HA! Moment". My two favorite numbers are 8 and 12. One day, I was logging into my Scentsy website. You are always prompted to fill in your consultant number, when I typed it, something hit me, there are two of my favorite numbers in my consultant ID. Then I looked at my sign up date, 8-12-2008! I knew at that point I had made the right decision and Scentsy would always be a part of my life!
My house will never be stinky again! My life will never be the same again. Scentsy is the best! I think you will feel the same way once you try it! Once you go Scentsy, you won't ever go back!
So there's my story. I hope you enjoyed it. Please call me or email me if you need anything! I would love for you to become a part of my Scentsy Family!